Fever, cough, and fatigue are some of the most common symptoms of Covid-19. While medical supervision is necessary, a few diet and lifestyle changes can help us to strengthen our immune system and recover well from respiratory infection.
Dr. Baishnob Koch, an alumnus of Garudachal Vidyapeeth Belbari, Meghalaya, is currently practicing as an Ayurvedic doctor in Pune. After completing his schooling from the Vidya Bharati School, Baishnob moved to Latur for his high school education, after which he joined the Ayurved College of Ratnagiri to come out as an Ayurvedic Doctor.
While he has been treating patients with various types of diseases, Dr. Baishnob mentions that Ayurveda is very effective for chronic diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes and even High Blood Pressure.
“About two months back a carpenter had come to me. He has frozen shoulder and left shoulder movement had stopped. He was undergoing allopathic treatment for the past 4 to 5 years. Upon checking his reports, I stopped his allopathy medicines first and started his treatment afresh. He has shown remarkable improvement in the last two months”, shared Baishnob.
While the country is battling the second wave of Covid-19 Dr. Baishnob shares some simple tips to boost immunity and stay healthy:
Gargle everyday with warm water, salt and turmeric (रोज गर्म पानी, नमक और हल्दी से गरारे करें)
Consume Kadha, Shatavari Kalpa Vidhanam and Sitopaladi Churna. These are easily available in Ayurveda Shops (कड़ा, शतावरी कल्प विधानम, सितोपलादि चूर्ण का सेवन करें | ये आयुर्वेद की दुकानों पर आसानी से मिल जाते हैं)
Eat freshly cooked warm food at home (घर में ताजा पका गर्म खाना खाएं)
Add spices like cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, star anise, cloves to your diet (अपने आहार में दालचीनी, काली मिर्च, इलायची, सौंफ, लौंग जैसे मसाले शामिल करें)
Eat fresh fruits daily (रोजाना ताजे फल खाएं)
Avoid eating outside or fast food (बाहर का या फास्ट फूड खाने से बचें)
Do not panic or take stress (घबराएं या तनाव न लें)
Have a good night sleep. Immunity is built and re-stocked when you sleep (रात को अच्छी नींद लें। जब आप सोते हैं तो प्रतिरक्षा बनती है और फिर से जमा हो जाती है)
Be mentally calm and meditate daily (मानसिक रूप से शांत रहें और प्रतिदिन ध्यान करें)
Dr. Baishnob also states that Ayurveda can be good option for mild symptoms of Covid. “It is important that we have a strong immune system ready in case we get affected”, cautions Dr. Baishnob.
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