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CEO Shubham Sharma revolutionizing education through project 'Avasathya'

CEO Shubham Sharma revolutionizing education through project 'Avasathya'


In modern competitive India where every sector is undergoing rapid innovation and digitization, it is a must for the education sector to also adapt to a dynamic environment, in an effort to reduce it’s chances of becoming obsolete.

Shubham Sharma an alumnus of Saraswati Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Khair road, Aligarh, UP, who had always been drawn to technology, decided from a very early age that he will use technology to make life easier for others. With this dream, the BCA and B.Tech graduate started his own software companyForelsket Software Pvt Ltd'. The company has its branches both in Aligarh and Noida.

With the intent of revolutionizing Indian education and helping students, Shubham started project ‘Avasathya’ (digital school for all) under his company. The vision of the project is to create optimal digital solution for all kinds of educational institutes. 


Apart from the unique educational project, Forelsket Software Pvt Ltd is a creative digital agency which deals in web designing, web development and digital marketing. 

Young CEO Shubham, is a philanthropist at heart. Aside from running his own company, he has been associated with several NGOs as well since the past five years and recently joined ‘Robin Hood Army’  in April 2019. This international NGO works for hunger eradication, and promotion of education, especially among young children.  Shubham has volunteered in several projects since joining the organisation. He also currently holds the position of Vice President in the NGO ‘DAAYITVA' which is working in the field of  climate change.


While sharing his story Shubham credited his school for helping him to reach his dreams  and having a positive impact in his personality development.

It is reassuring to see committed youths like Shubham who are working wholeheartedly towards bringing  positive changes both through their work and acts of philanthropy.


If you have a similar story to share with the alumni community or would like to provide any kind of support to  Vidya Bharati schools, kindly email us at info@vidyabharatialumni.org and we will contact you.
